Yesterday morning my phone rang. It turned out to be one of those automated phone messages from the Scott Brown Campaign. As the voice rapid-fired through some urgent sounding commentary, it turned to a comment made by Coakley regarding the Red Sox and the Yankees. The recording ended with, "I don't know about you, but I'm a Red Sox fan, so I'm voting for Scott Brown, U.S. Senate."
I sat there, staring at my phone for a few minutes, thinking about this phone call on a bunch of levels. First, you have the fact that the call was rapid fire and urgent sounding to the point of possibly being frightening to a child or elderly person answering the phone. Next, what the hell does being a Red sox or Yankees fan have to do with the U.S. Senate? All of the social and financial issues plaguing the people of Massachusetts and the nation as a whole and it all boils down to your choice in ball teams? Wow!
In 1999, I officially withdrew from the Democratic Party and changed my voter registration to read "No Political Preference" as, in my opinion, none of the organized parties were particularly impressive. Let's face it; Ms. Coakley is in example as to why I left. However, as I read more and more about Scott Brown, his stance on taxes, Wall Street, healthcare, and a bunch of other Bush-Cheneyesque activities and policies that are remarkably out-dated, I realize that yet again, the ballot box is not going to be a place to vote for the better candidate as much as it will be a place to vote for the lesser of two evils. Coakley is no prize but Brown out and out sucks.
I sat there, staring at my phone for a few minutes, thinking about this phone call on a bunch of levels. First, you have the fact that the call was rapid fire and urgent sounding to the point of possibly being frightening to a child or elderly person answering the phone. Next, what the hell does being a Red sox or Yankees fan have to do with the U.S. Senate? All of the social and financial issues plaguing the people of Massachusetts and the nation as a whole and it all boils down to your choice in ball teams? Wow!
In 1999, I officially withdrew from the Democratic Party and changed my voter registration to read "No Political Preference" as, in my opinion, none of the organized parties were particularly impressive. Let's face it; Ms. Coakley is in example as to why I left. However, as I read more and more about Scott Brown, his stance on taxes, Wall Street, healthcare, and a bunch of other Bush-Cheneyesque activities and policies that are remarkably out-dated, I realize that yet again, the ballot box is not going to be a place to vote for the better candidate as much as it will be a place to vote for the lesser of two evils. Coakley is no prize but Brown out and out sucks.
To top it off, his campaign is calling people to warn them against Coakley because of her lack enthusiasm about baseball and the Red Sox. I'm thinking back to last summer when some young idiot beat up a tourist for having New York plates on his car. Unfortunately the tourist never came back for the trial so the moron who beat him is out and roaming Cape Cod, not to mention eligible to vote. As a student at Boston University, I lived off of Kenmore Square and I remember the condition Red Sox fans would leave the area in after a game, especially if the Red Sox lost. We are definitely not talking about people from the deeper end of the gene pool. The only thing that would prove to be more unfortunate then Brown's complete and obvious lack of respect for the intellect of Massachusetts voters in using such a platform is if this stupidity actually works.
To paraphrase the recordings closing: I don't know about you, but I really don't care what your favorite ball team is, Scott Brown's an idiot and I'm voting for Coakley... who's a little less of an idiot. JANUARY 19, 2010 IS AN ELECTION DAY IN MASSACHUSETTS... FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, GET OUT AND VOTE!!!