Evening The Score... Federally Recognized Tribes Should Consider This

Last night, The Chicago Black Hawks won the Stanley Cup. Just like Cleveland, Washington, and a myriad of college and high school sports teams that objectify indigenous people as mascot symbols; the Black Hawk's Indian Head logo was there for the world to see.

As my tribe, the Mashpee Wampanoag prepare to break ground for a new casino and destination resort complex, I feel that our community economic development plan needs to take a new idea into consideration: We need to have our own major and minor league ball team!

I think having a team called The Cape Cod Caucasians would be a wonderful and fitting tribute to the history of our fair county. It would also be in line with all of those Chamber of Commerce brochures that (except for Mashpee, who capitalizes on their native heritage) are completely void of recognizable people of color.